Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been increasingly recognized as a contributor to a myriad of other health conditions. Numerous studies have demonstrated a strong association between OSA and cardiovascular diseases (such as hypertension, coronary artery disease and stroke), metabolic disorders (including diabetes) as well as neurocognitive impairments like cognitive decline and an increased risk of dementia. The intricate interplay between OSA and these diverse health issues has spurred extensive research aimed at elucidating the underlying mechanisms and establishing effective interventions. Investigating the multifaceted relationships between obstructive sleep apnea and various diseases is crucial for advancing our understanding of the broader health implications of this sleep disorder and developing targeted strategies for prevention and management.

OSA Pregnany Mothers
Hashimoto Thyroiditis and OSA
Diabetes and OSA
OSA and Testosterone Deficiency
AAO White Paper on OSA and Orthodontics

For more information about obstructive sleep apnea treatments in Roslyn Heights, New York, we invite you to schedule a one-on-one consultation at Sleep Better, Live Better Inc. with Dr. Shirley Molina. Let our dentist help you achieve a better night’s sleep by calling us at email us at info@sblbinc.com.

Contact our office today and allow Dr. Molina to diagnose and treat your obstructive sleep apnea. Email us at info@sblbinc.com.

Dr Shirley Molina in Roslyn Heights New York info@sblbinc.com Request An Appointment

We invite you to schedule your initial consultation at Sleep Better, Live Better Inc. to ask any questions about obstructive sleep apnea in Roslyn Heights, New York, and discuss creating a customized treatment plan that will address your concerns. We are here to improve your life and health by improving your sleep. Give us a call today!